Coaching and consulting with industries on hazardous area zones.
Focused on the needs of industry, typically this would include but is not limited to the likes of the oil and gas industries, their storage and transport facilities, chemical production and processing facilities, grain storage, paint and paper production etc. Our safety consulting and coaching services educates participants on the hazards and risks associated when working within a “hazardous area” which is also commonly referred to as the “Combustion Triangle”.
Specialty Services:
Atom Tech Services offer a comprehensive range of courses, coaching and consulting programs to ensure you stay current with your knowledge of Hazardous Areas, OHS, WHS and Electrical Safety Regulations.
Working alongside RTOs, Atom Tech Services delivers accredited training specific to the three-dimensional space hazardous environments exist, ensuring that whilst performing electrical works you are trained and component in the correct protocols and procedures needed to keep yourself and others safe.
The CEO of Atom Tech Services, Peter McMahon started working in the electrical industry in 1978. Peter has had the opportunity to work on a multitude of diverse projects which involved the use of various hazardous chemicals and environments in their processing, from mining, and manufacturing to construction on projects like dams, underground tunnel systems, power stations, chemical manufacturing plants and more recently the construction of a lithium processing plants in WA, and a new semiconductor manufacturing plant in QLD.
This plant included all state-of-the-art technologies such as cryogenic refrigerant systems, ultra-clean air management systems, ultra-pure water for processing and high-end building management controls.
About Us:
Peter understands the risks and safety implications of hazardous areas, and the standards required for electrical equipment and is here to help companies, organisations and individuals alike to better manage site risks, implement best safe practices in the workplace and create a safer industry for all workers while on site.
Get accredited with Atom-Tech Services.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.